Woman, behold thou art loosed.

Woman Behold thou art Loose! Don’t you know that you have already been set free?YOU ARE FREE! believe it. You have been loosed from everything that had you bound. Woman, Man,  take back your prayer life, your fasting life, Your study life, take it all back!





You are ready to experience the Move of God. You are ready for Manifestation. God is saying that it is time for his people to take their rightful position in Him . 

Do me and God a favor, GET OUT of YOUR OWN Way.  Too many times we become our own hindrances because we stagnating ourselves. You have been freed and God wishes to manifest His Word in your life but it cannot come to past if you remain chained down to your past. 

I encourage you today to put on Eagle Wings. Your mistakes Do Not Define you. God still wants to use you. He still has a plan and a purpose for your life. Come into the Rest of God. 

Healing must come in order for you to see the fulfillment of God in your life. Don’t run away from what is going to push you I to Destiny! You have to Choose You. You have to Choose Freedom. 

God has loosed you. Live in Your Freedom. 

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