The Spirit of Fear & Anxiety; God is Elevating you Vol: 1

There are so many people that the spirit of frustration is now coming upon and not just the spirit of frustration but the spirit of anxiety, where we want God and need God so bad that it has caused us to become so frustrated and overwhelmed with hearing the prophetic and preach Word but seeing no action. We are seeing no action nor the hand of God move to the magnitude that we had expected God to move concerning us. Many of us had already expected God to move and because God has not moved as yet there is a spirit of anxiety and frustration that has now crept into the heart of us the people to the place where a lot of us have been allowing it to affect our physical bodies.

We are at a place where we are saying the enemy is attacking our bodies but God says the spirit of frustration that we are allowing to enter into our minds and into our spirits is now bringing physical attack on our body and that is the plan of the enemy. God says as long as there is a physical attack and a physical sickness there is an opportunity and a chance that the enemy can step in and take our life physically and that is why the enemy has come up against us. The enemy has come up against us to bring us to a place where we get frustrated and fatigued and the spirit of anxiety and fear comes in to bring us to a place where we overthink

Have you ever been in a position where you begin to start thinking so much to the place where you feel a weight on your stomach, head, and entire body? Even to the place where you feel as if you’re becoming lifeless because your mind is so consumed by what is going on in your life? That is the sign of the enemy trying to bring sickness to your body because as long as there is access to you and your body the enemy can step in and kill you before your time! God says to tell you that he has ordained you to live and prosper, but we have to get to a place and position where we stop giving access to the enemy.

If God speaks a thing and allows his prophet to prophecy a thing then we shall stand on it because God is the Word and his Word shall not go void concerning your life. You will know when the spirit of frustration starts creeping in when you begin to get agitated concerning everything that is going on. People are not trying to be rude or disrespectful but you are agitated and frustrated to the point where you don’t want to be around people, you begin to become annoyed even when you hear your phone ring and people didn’t offend you. You will know when the enemy is trying to frustrate you because you won’t even feel like getting up to go to work or even clean your house, you will know when the spirit is kicking in, to the place where you find yourself more unhappy than you being happy, you will find yourself angry, miserable and confused and all of that will be the plan of the enemy. 

Why is it the plan of the enemy? Because God could allow someone to cross your path and because you are so frustrated in your mind and angry in your spirit the very individual that God sent to you could be the very one you disrespect not recognizing that it was an angel sent by God to be a blessing and change your life but because we are so consumed by what is going on in our life because God Word seemed as if it was not manifesting, we feel like God has forsaken us. We must be careful of our response in this season of our lives because we can be so frustrated and angry in our spirits about what God hasn’t done yet that it can cause us to mess up the plan of God and the will of God. We have to trust God and wait on his timing and stop allowing the enemy to bring the spirit of frustration upon us.
The reason why a lot of us miss God is that we expect God to operate like how our parents and siblings etcetera operate. The reason why we miss God is that we are expecting God to operate normally when we serve a supernatural God and because we are looking for God to do it in a familiar way, we miss God. The reason why so many of us the children of God miss God is that we don’t see him the way he sees us we are not dealing with him the way he deals with us. We handle God like he is our husband, wife, kids, etc. we became familiar with his name and his presence and that is why we are missing him in this season. 

We expect when we sow a seed that God sends a return right away but have you ever planted a seed in the ground and it grew overnight? Have you ever had a garden before and you dig a hole planted the seed don’t water the seed and it grew? When we sow, we are planting for when God brings the season upon us that we shall reap in the time that God has us to reap. If there be no rain on earth every tree will wither and dry away, if there be no rain there will be no fruits because the sun will dry out everything God says because we are dealing with him like how we deal with our friends and family and not dealing with him as who he is many of us are missing him. 

We expect him to respond to us like our husband or our wife responds or someone we are connected to will respond but God says “I am God” and we must deal with him according to who he is. We must bring the power of God to this earth we have to trust him enough to know that if he speaks a thing he can bring it to pass. God is requiring us to go back to the days of old to go back to his Word and seek out his word and know that there is power in the word of God. There is no situation that is greater than the God that you and I serve, I don’t care how long it’s taking or how rough it’s getting nor how painful it feels there is no situation that is greater than the God we serve.
If God can raise the dead make the lame walk and cause the blind man to see, if he can feed the five thousand and walk on water tell me why can’t he come through for that bill tell me why he can’t resurrect your body tell me why he can’t restore your life tell me why he cannot do it. God has not changed but we changed, God is still the same God he has not changed. Many have been saying God I’ve been waiting and it seems like nothing is happening but may I tell you there are some people that God is moving out of place and putting in place, God is rearranging some things. 

You will now be in positions where you would have never imagined being, you will now be the one people come to for help and not the other way around but God is saying he needs many to come to a complete change. One day as I walked to my bathroom, I heard the lord say daughter I require complete change, many of us don’t want to go to that place of complete change to walk into what God is calling us to. God said to me just as a child would go preschool and transition to primary school, they would find out that things are different then they transition to high school to find out that things have changed again all because they have moved to a different level and God is saying in order for us to go to another level we must change. 

God is calling us to complete change because there are some of you he’s calling into ministry and there are some people you can’t hang out with as you use to there are some places you can’t go even if you want to because there are some people you can’t be around anymore because God is elevating you. When you use to sit in local fast-food restaurants and have meetings God says there is now an upgrade you have to now go to a new place to sit down and dine and cross your legs because the season that he’s calling you to is going to call for some changes. A lot of times we don’t like changes because change is hard, painful, and frustrating especially when we are used to things the way we want to. Our mindset and behavior have to elevate there are some things you use to laugh at you can’t laugh at anymore because it isn’t a joke because God is calling you to complete change. The elevation of what God wants to do in your life you must have the mentality to lead God is looking for leaders that he can place in high positions which is why God is calling you to separation but many refuse to separate. God says he’s separating you for elevation but how can he elevate you when you don’t want to separate? How can he speak to you when you don’t want to separate? How can he guide and direct you when you don’t want to separate?

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