God is Calling Your Mind & Faith to Confidence

The enemy has been coming up against you to make you feel like this is not your season, the enemy has been doing things to cause you disbelieve the prophetic utterance that has been spoken and declared over your life. The enemy wants you to get in a place of doubt and the enemy is now interfering in the plan of God, the purpose of God, and the will of God to cause you and I to move out of bounds and out of position.

The enemy is now seeking in our dreams and showing us things that is not of God and because of those dreams it has been playing with your mind, causing you not to be able to stand firm on what God is showing you. You don’t know anymore if the dreams are of God or are out the will of God because there is a spirit of interference and sabotage. There was a time when you could go to sleep at night and get up in the morning and say “God, just show me a dream…” and this is what the dream is saying, but now you cannot give an account for your dreams anymore because the enemy has now interfered in the dreams. 

You are now in a place not knowing how to handle the dreams or how to operate concerning your dreams because of the spirit of interference. The enemy has launched an attack against so many of the people of God to knock you and me off base and out of position and of course to doubt God. It’s hard to believe that this is your season when everything is going wrong. It’s hard to believe that this is the right season when there is so much interference. It’s hard to believe that I’m in the right season that God has spoken about when everything is going wrong. But, I’m reminded about a story of when Jesus and his disciples were on a boat, and as they were on the boat things got rocky but in the midst of the rockiness, there was Jesus still at peace in his sleep. The disciples that were around him were so afraid because they didn’t understand that they had to go through the storm in order to get to the promise. They didn’t understand why Jesus was at peace in the midst of the storm when they were so afraid and uncomfortable. The reason why Jesus could’ve been still in that moment is because he knew that even though there was a storm and that the boat rocked Jesus understood that it could not harm or destroy the people that were with him. He knew that the roughness in the sea meant nothing.

God says to ask you , “What are you afraid of?” I’m not I qualified? I’m not I capable? I’m not well able to execute whatever it is that you need of me to do? God asks you today, : “Am I not the same God that said peace be still to the wind and the waves and they became still? Am I not the same God that raised Lazarus? Am I not the same God that made a barren womb bare forth fruit? Am I not the same God that woke you up this morning? Am I not the same God that saved you from the last thing that could have killed you? 

Don’t mind what you see don’t mind what the enemy is trying to make you see, you are in the best season of your life. The enemy is trying to keep you in that stuck place so you can only see what’s not going right. The enemy wants to keep you in bondage and in a stuck place. God said to ask you and I the question, “Am I not that same God?’, because someone that is reading this may be doubtful but God said if he did it before he can do it again.

You may be in a place where you are about to give it all up because it seems impossible but God said to ask the question “Am I not the same God?” because I have not changed from then to now. God is still a healer, deliverer, and way-maker he hasn’t changed yet. What is it said God that is so impossible to you that I can’t do? Am I not that same God? The enemy has launched an attack because you are about to enter the greatest season of your life and the enemy wants to keep you in bondage and confusion. The enemy wants to keep your mind in a battle but worse of it all the enemy wants to move you out of your kingdom position. What the enemy is doing is allowing the flesh to overweigh the spirit eye. Our ear gates are open more to the voice of man than the voice of God and so our faith is more in man than in God and so when man says something we believe but when God says something we waver and question. God says to ask Am I not that same God? The enemy wants to knock you and I out of position so that we not walk into the season that has been ordained as promise concerning you and I. God says to tell you and I that he is still a faithful God and his love for you is still real. God loves you more than you could ever imagine and His plans for you are sure. Trust that the Same God has moved on your behalf, that same God is calling your mind and faith to a place of confidence in him and his ability to fulfill His Promise.

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