God Will Make It Exclusive!
It is always easier to doubt, give up and to turn away from destiny. Challenges are just that, challenging. It is difficult to keep pressing when everything around you does not look like what was promised to you. In these moments we learn what faith truly is. You dont see it but you trust that […]
The Year I Choose Me
It is time, more than ever to choose the purpose that God has created for you. Ask yourself, “What is the assignment that God has for me to accomplish?” You must carry it out! When you say Yes to You, You say Yes to God. When you choose you, you are choosing the will of […]
Its Time To Unlock Destiny
God is saying , “It’s Time to Unlock Destiny!” The enemy has a small voice that is telling you that you are not called, chosen or that you do not have a purpose but I combat the lies of the devil today to let you know that Destiny is calling your name. Give God the […]
Hold On Just A Little Bit Longer
Someone’s mind is burdened today, someone’s heart is burdened today. Someone is at a point in their life that Yes, they love God and yes they want to serve him but the cares of this life are weighing you down. Everything around you is failing and falling and you are now at a breaking point […]
God is about to Flip The Script on the Enemy!
I pray that your heart be encouraged today because God is sending this message directly to You! I declare that God is about to Flip The Script on Your Enemies! You have been going through a battle and every direction it seems that the enemy has been beating You! There is a changing of the […]
Woman, behold thou art loosed.
Woman Behold thou art Loose! Don’t you know that you have already been set free?YOU ARE FREE! believe it. You have been loosed from everything that had you bound. Woman, Man, take back your prayer life, your fasting life, Your study life, take it all back! BE THOU LOOSED of STRIFE HURT ENVY… You are […]
Know Your Connection
There is a statement that people come into our lives for Seasons Reasons and Purpose. It is up to us to discern these people and what role they play in our story. Everyone is NOT covenant. We must understand that sometimes our lives have a revolving door. We must be open to change. Connections are […]
Time To Choose You
There are so many times that we have neglected to love ourselves. So many times we have placed the people we love and value above our needs. There is no one more valuable than you in this season. If what you have been valuing is not talking or leading to Destiny, it is time to […]
No Matter What, You Win!
You can believe it or leave it, but you are coming out of your Fight Victorious! It does not matter how the odds look, they cannot stop what God has Predestined for Your Life! Rise Up out of the place of defeat. Rise Up out of brokenness. Rise Up as a warrior and declare: ” […]
God is Rebuilding Renewing & Restoring
Rebuild- To remake something after it has been damaged or destroyed. In order to be rebuilt, you have to put yourself in a position and it takes time. God wants to reconstruct someone today. God wants to use your mistake and make it into a testimony. Yes, God can rebuild you but first must forgive […]