The thing hindering us is the very thing God is saying we have to release so that he can replace it with something better and bigger. What is it that is costing you not to pray the way you need to? What is it that is causing you not to fast the way you need to fast or become better as an individual? The very thing that is stagnating us is the same thing God says we need to release and let go of. We love to blame people but today is the day we must evaluate and seek out ourselves and realize whats the thing that is causing us to be hindered because that is the very thing God is saying we have to release because for there to be a replacement there must be a release so that God can do what he needs to do in our lives. If there is no replacement we will stay stagnated. If there is no replacement we will not grow. Our problem is that we get so caught up in connections that we miss the divine connection. I said to my team “it aint nothing more important than the Kingdom of God because, if you want to see great success then we must put Kingdom first and make sure we are in the will of God and not in his way.” God said to me, “Daughter, in the season that my people should be more focused, steadfast, stern, and stronger is the very season that my people are distracted.” God is saying, because we are distracted by the trials and tribulations of life the enemy has us as a playground and that’s because we do not want to release it to God. There are times we go before God saying we give it to him and by the time we get out of prayer we pick it back up. God is saying to you and I, that for there to be a replacement there must be a release so that the thing we are holding on to and refusing to let go is the very thing God wants to bring better of. We won’t get anywhere in life and in God carrying hate, malice, envy, and strife. It’s crazy how we are now competing in the body of Christ. How is it that we don’t understand that each of us are called to carry a different level of anointing? Our job is to be the best that we can be with whatever level of anointing God gives us. How did we get to the place where we don’t want to see each other grow and advance? We don’t want to release the hate, jealousy, malice, envy, and strife against people and we don’t even know what that individual went through to get what they have! You see people every day with a smile on their faces not knowing they were crying earlier because of hurt but yet you get jealous of a smile, if you walk into someone’s ministry and you see the ministry functioning that’s no reason for you to be jealous because you don’t know what they went through to get the ministry to function. Many don’t understand what you have to lose or go through for the anointing sometimes you have to lose a marriage, children, home, and job just for the anointing. We sit and become envious of people not understanding the hell they had to go through to get where they are. We need to understand how important it is for us to release things and people that are holding us back because in order for God to finish the work he has started in our life or for God to bring better to us we must release it for there to be a replacement. How can we receive something if our hands are already full? There will never be change nor will there ever be a replacement if we don’t release the necessary things and people. Our problem is we are not trying to be better for God or ourselves we are trying to be better than each other, we are not trying to be different for God we are trying to be different to make someone jealous. How is it in this day and time when the enemy is raining havoc and our sons and daughters are being murdered on the streets, that we can find the time to be jealous when we are supposed to be in prayer waring on behalf of our nation and against the enemy? Because our Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. There can never be deliverance unless there is a confession, Do you know what confession causes us to do? Release. I said to my team nothing can be fixed if you don’t know what your problem or your issue is because 99% of the time we see everyone else as a problem. Today let’s take time to look at the man in the mirror and evaluate ourselves, take a pen and paper write down five words of what you see when you look in the mirror, and when you’re done writing those five words say God I release these words for you to replace it with what I need in my life.

It’s Time to be Refueled
It’s Time to Be Refueled In life, there are seasons when we feel empty, tired, and drained. The demands of daily responsibilities, unexpected challenges, and