One as I sat down the lord began to speak to me and he said in order for him to replace it we have to release it. Everyone has something different that we are dealing with and challenged with. I don’t know what your “IT” is that has been stagnating or delaying you, but God sent me to tell you and me that for him to replace it we first have to release it. I do not know what the “IT” is in our lives nor what the “IT” is that has been stagnating us but God said for it to be replaced we must first release it. God said to me, daughter many of my people are hindered because many are not releasing it before me and Many of my people are not giving it to me. Many are saying they are praying but yet they are not losing it and giving it to God and he sent me to tell you and I that we have to release it for him to replace it. So let today be the day we release it back to him. Our “IT” may be different but whatever our “IT” is GOD says that he can’t replace it, he can’t change it, he can’t turn it around until there is a release. God said that many of us are in a hindered place because we are not releasing whatever “IT” is that is hindering us, costing us, and keeping us stagnated. I don’t know what your “IT” is that has been stagnating you hindering you or blocking you but God said for there to be a replacement there must first be a release. We have to let go of everything and everyone that is holding us back from releasing what it is that we need to. I was talking with my ladies one day and I began to tell them what the lord said to me and he said to me daughter you need to get out of the place of procrastination. God said to me daughter procrastination is what’s killing you, I remember him reminding me of the first steps he told me to take on my journey of Changing My Way Of Living and that first thing he told me to do was change my eating habits. The next step he gave me was directions on how to fast and in the last step, he gave me the grace to exercise. The Lord said to me you did the first two steps but you have not started the last step that would allow you to see the results you need to see. We don’t understand that the very thing God requires us to do is the very thing we are not doing and that is costing us not to see the glory of God be revealed in our life. From the lord spoke to me concerning exercising every demon in hell started rising against my body so that I wouldn’t reach the goal God required me to reach, I stopped why, because it seemed as if the attack became so great but God had to remind me that the enemy was doing things to distract me because the enemy doesn’t want me to reach the goal. The enemy doesn’t want me or you to reach our goal and those things that we are holding onto are what’s stopping us from reaching our goal. The things that we don’t want to let go of are what’s stopping us from reaching our goals, it also causes God not to do what it is that he wants to do in our life. Do you know why the enemy doesn’t want you to seek God, be happy, or have a firm relationship with God? Because he doesn’t want you to reach your goal he wants you and me to stagnate and be hindered but we refuse to understand if there is not a release there can not be a replacement. Some of our lives are set to carry the glory of God but do you know what the enemy is doing so that we don’t carry the glory of God? He’s allowing us to be more concerned about who is talking about us and the trials and tribulations, so that causes us to become stressed and that’s what causes us not to receive or intake what God wants to do and so God can’t replace it with anything else because we are so caught up in everything else but the thing that God desires. God is saying to you and me, for there to be a replacement there must first be a release that’s the only way we can see the glory of God in our life. The Lord said to me to bring my team together and tell them to look at each other and he said to ask them if there is anyone who is standing in the room with them to blame for them not being successful in their walk with God and personal life. Are they the reason why they are not growing or being successful? he told me to tell them to look around. So I need you reader to look around your environment and ask yourself the question is there anyone or anything in your life that is hindering you or costing you not to grow or to be productive? My team’s answer was “No Ma’am”, my next question to them was why are you not growing seeing that the people around you are not your hindrance? because if no one that’s around you is not your hindrance then what is because the thing that is our hindrance we have to release. Today we need to take time to seek out what it is that is hindering us so when we find out what it is we can let it go and release it because God said for there to be a replacement there has to be a release.

It’s Time to be Refueled
It’s Time to Be Refueled In life, there are seasons when we feel empty, tired, and drained. The demands of daily responsibilities, unexpected challenges, and