The Year I Choose Me

It is time, more than ever to choose the purpose that God has created for you. Ask yourself, “What is the assignment that God has for me to accomplish?” You must carry it out! When you say Yes to You, You say Yes to God. When you choose you, you are choosing the will of God for your life.

Don’t settle for anything that does not value your purpose. Ask yourself:” Who is more Valuable than You?” 

You cannot afford to settle for less than you deserve and miss God. 

Remind yourself that if it’s not talking Destiny then you you need to lose it. 

It’s time to Choose You, go after You and the plan God has for your life. God is only testing you to see if you are ready for the next move. Forget the past, the sore, the pain, the wounds…Trust that God has your best interest at heart. You cannot go back to the place of bondage because God has already Set You Free!

This is the Time to say Yes To You. Time to Choose You.

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