The Spirit of Fear and Anxiety; God is elevating you Vol: 2

Following, The Spirit of Fear and Anxiety; God is elevating you Vol: 1 . God is calling you to elevation. There are some things he needs you to know and some things he needs you to see. He’s looking for a people that he can now elevate to be showcased for the kingdom of God, he’s looking for people he can place in positions that would lead his people the way he leads us. God is looking for people that will go in his direction asking him how to carry out the assignment and the work and will move the way he asks us to move. God says he wants to elevate you but it calls for a complete change, you can’t wear some things that we use to wear because he’s promoting you. Have you ever gone into a business office and found anyone wearing tights, short pants, or sleeveless shirts? When you go into a business office you must dress the part and that’s what God is saying we must elevate.

There are some things we use to do and places we use to go we can’t go because he is calling us to elevation. Have you ever been to the government house and you have seen them wearing clothes that are revealing? God is calling us his people to elevation because of where he wants to take us. How can you be a business owner or a man or woman of God and don’t know how to carry yourself or speak to people? There are some people that won’t understand why you have to make such big changes, they will begin to judge criticize and condemn because they will say you have changed but God is saying change is necessary. There are some people that won’t understand why you have to change and become all that God wants you to be.

We are so concerned about how people feel and how they think until we are not concerned about God anymore nor do we value him anymore. We are more concerned about our Pastors and yes that is a great thing when you can respect them but don’t place them as a God, you must have a relationship with God more than you have with your leaders. Many people are concerned about how the leader feels and how the leader is thinking to the place where you try not to offend anyone when God gives you an assignment but God is asking what about him?

God is calling us to elevation but he has to trust us and know that we are qualified for the job. God can’t place us in a position where we can’t handle it. Have you ever applied for a job that you weren’t equipped and trained for and they put you in the position before being trained by someone? Your process is your training ground and I had to learn that the hard way. The very thing that you are frustrated about that has you so agitated to the point when people call your phone you don’t even want to answer, that very same thing is your training ground to where God wants to take you. It was the year 2022 when the lord brought this business idea to me, the very second my team and I started working on this project God started to open my eyes more to see things that I’d never seen before, and my eyes began to open. The Lord said to me I’m allowing you to see certain things so that when you open this business the experience I’m allowing you to encounter is to teach you to do it better. You are in training for what God wants to do in your life, the enemy wants to frustrate you with your process because he knows that this is the thing that God will use to change your life and everyone that you’re connected to. The enemy is trying to make you feel like this process isn’t necessary and he wants you to walk away from it. You are at the end of your training period and because you’re at the end of this thing where you are about to see God’s glory the enemy will intensify his plans. God says I’m looking for people that can showcase me. Many have already dropped out of this race called Christianity because honestly speaking, this walk is not easy , this walk is not for weak people because if you are weak you will not survive if you don’t have God in a real way and build a relationship him for yourself you will not survive. I thank God for my mom Apostle Dr. Carolyn Cooper, I did not learn prayer in church I was taught prayer from a child at home. God hand-picked my mom to be a vessel that he can use because I can remember growing up my mom calling all of her kids in one room to kneel by the bed and pray. I can remember when my siblings and I would have already prayed I would fall asleep and wake up to my mom praying call on the name of all of her family members and everyone she is connected to asking God to bless and cover them and for salvation to those that needed it. I am thankful for my mom and the way God used her to teach us her children prayer.

Yes, we strayed and wondered but because this was already a part of us something kept pulling us back even when we wanted to pull away from it. My siblings and I are products of what staying faithful to God can do, we grew up in a family where God was the most important thing in our lives. This walk is not easy but because of what was instilled in us it helped us to get back on track. This walk is not for the weak but for the strong at heart. I will be honest and I only can speak for myself I have my moments also, there were days I could not move out of my bed because I could not take the weight of the intense warfare. There was a season of my life where I walked away from the faith after God spoke through a great woman of God Prophetess Illiana Joseph whom I call my midwife. The lord used her to say that he will affirm me as an Apostle and after that prophetic word went over my life every demon in hell came after me that I didn’t even know existed. I lost everything that I had everything started failing, people see you on platforms every day preaching and helping people and it looks perfect from the outside but it wasn’t, everything that I loved got taken away from me even my team members started going under great attack. God kept saying to me that he has a purpose for my life and I said God all of this and you have a purpose for my life?

I became so overwhelmed because I have been on twenty-one days of fasting going to church at midnight and reaching home at five sometimes six o’clock in the morning I’ve been on two month’s sabbatical and hadn’t eaten for two months because I wanted to see the move of God and yet God strip everything away from me. I heard people speak about the Job experience but never thought that I would experience it for myself. I recall being in Florida and visiting a church an elderly lady walked up to me and said, I don’t know you but I see God liking your story unto Job. When she said those words it was as if she took a knife and stabbed me, the only thing I could have said was God if it gets anymore worse than this because at that time we left the Bahamas because of a bad storm that destroyed our home. The next week I went back to church and a next lady came to me and whisper to me and said I heard God saying he’s liking your story unto Job, right then and there I wanted to die but I couldn’t because he had a purpose for my life. I can’t tell you how I’ve survived this but all I can say is I know it was God that kept me. I’m here to encourage someone that might be in their Job experience, to know that fear and anxiety may step in also giving up on God might become an option you think of but may I tell you that you can survive no matter how hard it seems? We are only going through our process for elevation.

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