The Experience is to Make us Better not Bitter

There is a saying that says experience is the best teacher, I firmly believe that over the years those words have proven to be true. It’s not until you begin to encounter something that you understand the experience. To many of you, that might be mothers when you begin to tell your story about labor pains and how it felt, a person like myself that has never birth forth a child by pushing can’t relate. Yes, I was once pregnant but I lost my baby so I would never understand the magnitude of pain you were in during labor, so as you begin to speak about your experience, I can relate to being pregnant but not giving birth.

When you hear someone say experience is the best teacher, I want you to believe until you walk into the experience with something you cannot relate to or understand the level or depth of what that individual would begin to say. The Lord began to say to me that the Spirit of humility is so important because that’s the only way you would understand and relate when a person is going through something that’s the only way you would begin to have compassion when a person is faced with something. If you went through an Experience when someone else begins to encounter that even if that’s your enemy you will not laugh at them because you can relate to the pain and you wouldn’t be able to laugh because experience taught you wisdom, awareness, and alerted you so that you can understand and relate to when individuals are around you are being faced with something because you have been at that place before so you can relate.

Do you know why God has many of us going through the stuff that we are faced with it is because there were some people that went through the same experience you went through there are some people that encountered the same things you encountered but for some reason, they came out of it and didn’t get better. God delivered them so that they can be a blessing or help others but they did not carry out the assignment God gave them. Do you know the reason why God has many of us going through some things that are so painful? It is so that we won’t make the same careless mistakes that someone else made because God needs us to come out of it better and not bitter. God needs us to come out of it with more compassion, and understanding and relate to when someone is going through something we can have the love of Christ in our hearts towards the individual that’s why some of us are still in our process. God needs us to come out of it better, he needs that experience of knowing what it feels like to not have groceries in the cupboard not knowing how you will pay your bills he needs us to experience that. God needs us to experience these things so that when he brings wealth our hearts would not become a heart of stone but our hearts would become soft so we can relate to someone that is hungry and feed them when someone is in need, we will be a blessing to them because what we went through was to make us better and not bitter.

God is allowing us to encounter some things because of the magnitude of what he wants to do. The Lord said that I have to allow my people to feel the pain, weight, and burden so that they can come out of it better and not be bitter. Your experience is for you to help your family members and not to make you bitter but better, your experience is also to give you a better heart and a better mindset. God brought the story of Joseph to me, Joseph’s family hurt him, they betrayed him, and turned their backs on him. Joseph had rights when he realized that it was his brothers that were in front of him crying out for help not to help them because they betrayed, hurt, and left him without even knowing the state he would have been in or what he would have gone through. The careless hearts that Joseph’s brothers had toward him gave him every right to look the other way, but the God in Joseph and the process he went through could not allow him to hurt his brothers the way they hurt him, because when Joseph told them about the dream he had with them bowing before him they became jealous but one day it came. This is a word of advice to each of us, make sure our experience makes us better and not bitter because if you don’t become better God will not deliver, if you do not become better God won’t restore or set you free, why? Because God said he’s looking for a people that his word can be fulfilled in their life. God is taking us through this process so that we can learn to be merciful to others so that when he tells us to give we would not say that it’s too much, when he tells us to be a blessing we will because the Bible tells us its better to give than to receive also whatever a man soweth he shall also reap. Many of us are in a position where we don’t like to extend our hands, but if our hands are close how can we receive?

God says to let our experience make us better and not bitter, better that you would feed the poor and clothe them, and not bitter to a place where you become selfish and forget where you come from. God said that many of us have allowed the experience of life cost us to become disgruntled and bitter to the point where we are not at the place he needs us to be for him to use us. We are at a place where we became selfish and God says he needs a heart that is open and pure before him because what he wants to do is so big he doesn’t need us to be bitter but better. Whatever God is getting ready to do is not small and he has to know that we are qualified to carry out the assignment. God has to know that we are not in it selfishly because when it is over he wants us to come out of it better and not bitter so that we can be able to help those that are in need.

The lord doesn’t want us to focus only on our families and forget about the rest he also wants us to look out for the people in our communities. What we don’t understand is that it’s better to give than to receive, when you open one door then God will open the next, the more doors you open the more opportunities the lord will bring before you. The more God can trust us the more he will elevate and promote us, God must be able to trust us and know that we are qualified and our heart is in the right posture, he has to know where our mindset is in order for him to do what he wants to do in our lives. There is no room for selfishness even if you might have had people that hurt you or done you wrong, the position that God desires to take us in we will become like Joseph and not allow the pain of the past to dictate the blessing of the future, but we will pour into the very same people that hurt us and said all manner of evil against us and still be able to bless them even though they persecuted us and did us wrong. God says that he needs people that will take their minds out of the pit place because where he is taking his children there are some things about us that have to change.

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