The Enemy is trying to Distract you to Discourage you.

The enemy is trying to distract you and me concerning the things that are taking place and what we are seeing through our physical eyes. The things we are seeing are not what we want to see because many of us want to see change, movement, deliverance, and breakthrough but for some reason that is not happening. The enemy is trying to allow us to see things through the eyes of the flesh and not the spirit and that is where the enemy is trying to distract you and to discourage you. If you go by what you see it is bringing discouragement. If I were to ask you, have you not been in a place of discouragement for the past few weeks and months based upon what has been happening in your life, would you be honest and say yes I’ve been discouraged? Well, I’ve been discouraged based upon what I’ve been seeing and the Lord had to rebuke me. He began to say don’t look at what you can see because if you look at what you can see you will miss me, God said to me not because it seems like things are falling apart means that I’m not working. The Lord dealt with me for an hour on that and as I began to intake what he said I began to see God do a shift and bring change. Everything that I have been working and praying for has been delayed and fought in so many ways until the Lord has shown me many times about deception and people who claim to have my best interest and do not. The enemy will do everything in his power and use anyone he can against us because he doesn’t want anything good for us. We can’t become distracted by the tactics of the enemy especially when we know his tricks. God is saying to you and me today to get focused and stay focused even when it seems impossible because you are too close to your end.

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