One Day You Will Matter

There are sometimes people in your life who don’t even realize how valuable and important you are to them. You have many people out there that take for granted the gift you are and for that reason, they don’t realize your value and they tend to mistreat, degrade and devalue you, they tend not to see the worth inside of you and so, they tend to turn their back on you. I want to say to someone who is reading this blog, you might be in a position where you are feeling rejected, left aside your feeling like family, friends, work, and co-workers have turned their backs on you and left you. I want you to know that one day you will matter. You might not matter now but one day you will matter, you might not be in the position you desire to be in but one day you will matter. One day you will not be in this position one day you will begin to see everything change. One day you will begin to see your life begin to make some sense. One day you will understand that trouble doesn’t last always and why you had to go through rejection. You might not matter to them now but one day you will matter and watch your life restored right before your eyes. One day you will begin to see the things that don’t make sense start making sense. One day you will not know what it is to scrap for food or pay your bills. One day you will begin to see the ministry that God has entrusted in your hands flourish. One day you will begin to see God restore your home restore your children and your life. You have been rejected, cast aside, walked upon and talked about just like Joseph but one day you will matter. 

There will come a day when you don’t have to call anyone to borrow money and get rejected, one day you will not be the one they sit around the table and speak ill about but they will begin to say how God restored you and brought you out, and set you free. One day your name will matter, one day your name will shift people’s lives, one day you will be the one they call upon, one day you will become the head cornerstone. You might be in a position where everyone has turned their back and left you for dead. You might be in a desperate place and feel like there is no way out but there is a way out and a solution and one day God will do it. God will pull you out of that place of brokenness and restore you. You may be reading this blog and feel as if God has forgotten you, but God has not forgotten you, one day your name will be known on this earth and throughout the nation because one day the world will know you. One day the world will know your voice, one day the world will sit and watch you and they will know that it only could have been God on your side. You will matter and one day you will look back and know that God is for you. 

The process might have been hard painful and long you might have been at a place many times where you wanted to give up and walk away but one day you will matter. I come to encourage someone and to let you know that God is restoring. Many people will read your book and get delivered through your story, so they don’t have to hear you now they will hear you later because God is changing the guards. God is restoring the rejected and those that were cast aside these are the people that God is coming after so I encourage you to know that one day they will have to watch you one day they will have to find you and may I tell you that trouble doesn’t last always.

God has promised you some things and I want you to know that he is a promise keeper and he will not fail you. Whatever it is that he has promised will come to pass, God will show up, he will perform, and all you have to do is keep your focus on him because the enemy is coming up with so many distractions. The reason why the enemy is coming up with distractions is because you are about to win. The enemy’s job is to stop us from reaching the place God needs us to be, his job is to do whatever it takes for us not to win. I encourage you today to not get distracted, let them hate on you just remember you are loved. Let them talk about you, you just don’t join in the conversation. Distractions are coming in a lot of different ways, don’t play into the enemy’s devices, and know when it’s the enemy. You might be in a situation now and you’re saying “God my back is against the wall” Can I tell you God will come through for you all you have to do is stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize. You are too close to allow the enemy to distract you in the finish. The enemy wants you to feel like it’s pointless serving God by having faith and believing, I know you are watching everyone around you walk into their fulfillment and things seem like it’s happening for them and not for you, but that’s just ok! stay with God and watch God. I know it looks bleak but can I tell you today that you will matter, God loves you Tasha Cobbs wrote a song entitled “He Knows My Name” God knows your name, don’t allow fear and doubt cost you to think otherwise.

One day things will turn and God will restore you just hold firm to God, do not quit at your end Do not get distracted at your end. The enemy has intensified the war because you are at your end and he wants you to feel hopeless but I come to tell you today that it’s not hopeless, Stand on the word of God stand on his promises stay focused on God and on your purpose because one day you will matter.

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