No Matter What, You Win!

You can believe it or leave it, but you are coming out of your Fight Victorious! It does not matter how the odds look, they cannot stop what God has Predestined for Your Life! 

Rise Up out of the place of defeat. Rise Up out of brokenness. Rise Up as a warrior and declare:

 ” I am Coming Out Pure as Gold! 

I am Coming Out a Winner! 

I am Coming out Victorious!

Let me encourage you to get ready for the Glory of God to rise in your life. The pathway is clear for you today. God says He’s got you!

It’s about to be a Grand Occassion because your pain is about to bring glory. You are Coming Out of it and NOTHING and NO ONE will stop it. 

The Bible declares that the set time to favor Zion is now. What you thought was your enemy was your boost. This is indeed your finest hour. 

This is Your Moment of Victory! 

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