Know Your Connection

There is a statement that people come into our lives for Seasons Reasons and Purpose. It is up to us to discern these people and what role they play in our story. 

Everyone is NOT covenant. We must understand that sometimes our lives have  a revolving door. We must be open to change. Connections are not only important but crucial to not only where you are but where you are headed. 

You cannot make covenant with people who are only suppose to be in your life for a particular season. Meanwhile we have the habit of walking away from the very people who are suppose to be connecting us to Destiny. 

Let me ask , “Who is your connection? Who are you suppose to be connected to? “

Too many times we are trapped because  we link ourselves with persons that cannot link us to the right connection. 

Moreover, there are certain people only linked  to us in order to carry us to our connection. 

Just as there are four seasons within a yearly cycle, it is designed to show us the different changes in our lives. 

Covenant is primary, while a connection is just a resource. You cannot make covenant with a connection because their role is only temporary!

For the safety of your future, STOP making covenant to the wrong Connection. 

As the saying goes, “People come into our lives for Seasons, Reasons and Covenant. It is our job to discern the differences.” 

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