Its Time To Unlock Destiny

 God is saying , “It’s Time to Unlock Destiny!” 

The enemy has a small voice that is telling you that you are not called, chosen or that you do not have a purpose but I combat the lies of the devil today to let you know that  Destiny is calling your name. 

Give God the glory because there was a reason for your downfall. Many of us did not die in our backslidden condition because God sees the purpose inside of us to deliver someone else out of that same situation. God Allowed GRACE to cover us in the midst of our mess so that after he dusts us off, and cleans us up and restores us, that we can share the story to deliver others struggling to get out. 

You have been called  with a divine purpose. You are the reason that the course of History will change. There is a new wave of women coming. There is a revival that is about to be birthed forth. God says don’t be afraid, there are some people that have been called to deliver a generation. 

It is time to unlock destiny. God wants to launch you into the deep. He is moving you from a place of comfort. God is shifting you and setting you up to speak to nations! God is calling you to greatness, he is releasing spiritual advancement, and growth. Prayer mantles are being released. Begin to travail before the altar of God because Destiny is Calling.

This is a warning that God is saying to surrender to your destiny and His call. Destiny killers are persons who are attached to your life who cannot steer you in the right direction. Check your connection . Its now time to fly alone and top associating with chickens when you were born an eagle. Let us rise up and do what God has called us to do.

God is calling you out of your mess, out of your situation and away from everything that has made itself a God in your life. God wants to separate you from everything that is detouring you from purpose. The hurt, the anger, the loss, the pain, God says to release your experience to Him and He will Vindicate you. Release it and forgive so that God can fight for you.

Its time to stop running. Its time to stop running and to evaluate your life. The future is right in front of you and it’s time to trust God in the way forward. Its time to move with God in the way forward. God is with you in the way forward. God will not forsake you in the way forward. Believe that God wants to establish your life . 

In order for you to push you have to experience discomfort and  pain. Destiny is calling you to a new place . God is calling you to the room of greater. God is saying, “I need you!”. All that he requires is for you to make the first step and he will make the next. Deliverance is here. Unlock your destiny.

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