Why It is Hard To Let Go?
I realize that so many of us as a people are bound down by hurt, fear, doubt, intimidation, and rejection. A lot of us are in this place where we are broken, wounded and confused. But today, I hear these words, Its Time to Let It Go. It’s time to forgive, and its time to forget. Its time to move on, but the most important thing is letting it go.
A lot of times, because we get so use to something, we don’t want to let it go because it becomes so familiar to us, it also becomes apart of us and we fear to let it go, even though its hurting us, we still fear to let go.
But today, I am hearing the Lord say to tell someone, its time to let go. Its time to release the hurt, the bitterness, the pain. I know that it is not easy. I know that it hurts, especially when you love someone or loved someone and they ended up hurting you, they ended up abusing you and mistreating you. I know that it hurts but I hear the Lord say that its time to let it go.
If you continue to hold on to the hurt, the pain, the memory, it will only cause a lifetime of happiness. I am reminded of a message that my mom Apostle Dr. Carolyn Cooper spoke, the topic was “Live in the Moment”. A lot of us are missing our moment. A lot of us are Missing our Moment because we are allowing things of the past and even more the present of what someone did or said to stagnate, to dominate or to hinder us.
Your Happiness is worth fighting for. Your Happiness is worth going after. Don’t allow what someone did or said, the hurt, the pain, the agony of what someone did to you stop you from finding your way to happiness. Don’t allow what’s going on around you to hinder you from finding your way to a place of peace.
Let It Go!
I understand that its not easy but let it go. Your happiness means everything to God. He doesn’t want you to be in this place, He doesn’t want you to be in this position, He wants you to be free.
There is so much more that life has to offer you but you are stuck in that place. Stop allowing what people say, what people think and how people feel to dictate to you, Stop allowing it. People will always have an opinion and that is what I come to realize because I was one of them that allowed the mindset of what how people think (thought) and how they feel (felt), to get to me. Stop allowing it!
The only person that matters is You, how you see yourself and how you feel. The only person that matters is you. And so I am here today, just to say to you,
Let It Go, Your happiness is worth going after.

The Year I Choose Me
The Inspirational two fold empowerment autobiography by author Letitia Aletha. follow as she unveils the depths of her life challenges, struggles, and hard ships and gain knowledge of how she overcame it all. To Be Released Soon.
Letting Go Means Choosing Yourself
The Year That I Choose Me, Today I Decide.
It was during the pandemic that the Lord had given me the theme for my book “The Year I Choose Me.” And I remembered the process of when this started, how easy that sounds, choosing you but I never realized how difficult those words were. As I began the process of writing the book, I found myself not being comfortable, because in all reality I did not feel like my life was aligning to the topic or theme of the book “The Year I Choose Me”.
And as I began to write, I said “Lord, I don’t want to write a lie, I want to present the truth when I write this book.” It has been maybe three to four years that I have been writing this book, and I realize that there is still a part of me that has not fully walked into the theme of this book. The reason that I say that is because I realize that I am in a stuck place where people’s opinion, the way that people feel or think, matters to me more than myself.
I realize that when I make a decision for myself, there is still a fear of who I will offend or who I will hurt. I realize that there are times that there are things that I want to do but I reject myself, so that I can make someone else comfortable, when God is saying to me, “Choose You!” But I am still not at that place of Choosing Me.
I realize that when we do not walk in the will of God and what God wants for our life, we can miss God. So I’m here today because, I’m going to Choose Me but its more than just saying it, its walking it, acting it and I have been bound for maybe 4-5 years in completing this book because I have not been walking in what God has called me to walk in…”The Year I Choose Me”.
And so I have been stuck when God is saying that It’s just not about you but this book is to help save, deliver and set free so many other persons. Now I realize that I have allowed the enemy to stagnate me, to keep me in prison, from walking in the will of God and God knew why He chose me to write this book.
And so today, I decide that I will choose me, because in choosing me, I’m choosing the will of God for my life and what God wants to do in my life. So I want to encourage someone else today, let this be the year, let this be the day, the week, the moment that you choose you! Your happiness matters, your peace of mind matters, your destiny and purpose matters. When you choose you, you choose life.
Let this be the day that your whole life changes and you make up in your mind that I will choose me and I will be who God calls me to be and wants me to be. So I pray that this would be a blessing unto you today.
Remember, let this be the Year that we Choose Us!
Finding Peace of Mind: 6 Steps Toward Lasting Serenity
Peace of mind, also described as inner calm, refers to an internal state of tranquility. When you have mental peace, you might feel:
- at ease within yourself
- a sense of self-compassion
- unruffled by day-to-day worries
- prepared to welcome whatever life tosses your way
You might assume you can only find peace from within when you’re finally completely free of troubles, but that’s not the case.