It’s Gonna Happen by Fire or by Force.

There are many of you out there whose faith is losing balance and the reason why your faith is losing balance is that you’ve been at a point and place in your life where you have been waiting so long and the wait has begun to discourage you. You’ve been saying, “God I’ve been believing I’ve been holding faith and I’ve been trusting in your Word, God I’ve been trying to stay focused and steadfast trying to stay in alignment because I don’t want to miss you in this season but God it’s getting rough and even harder to stay focused.

”It’s getting hard to stay focused and firm on the faith that God requires us as a people to have because what the enemy is doing is launching every attack against the body of Christ, he’s sending every dart possible to mankind that we miss the move of God. The enemy now has us in a place where God begins to do some things in our lives we are too blinded by what we are seeing in the physical we cannot see the change that has already taken place because it is not the major change that we desire. And because God is not moving at the speed that we desire we are too blind to see when God doing the small miracles. We are not seeing a move of God in our life because we want the one million and ten million but we are not grateful for the one hundred or one thousand.

Many of us will say we can’t pay our bills but yet our electricity is not cutting off we can’t pay our bills but our water is not cutting off and we aren’t acknowledging even though we don’t have the money God has still been a keeper. A lot of us are missing God in the small and that is why we can’t receive God in the things that he wants to do in our lives but I’m here to say if you go by faith and stand on the Word of God you will not miss God because it shall happen!

We are missing God because we require certain things but God is saying I have to trust you, there are some people God is taking through a process that’s a trial but God is saying I have to trust you. God has to know that he can trust us to handle it because many times we want the big but can’t even handle the small. God makes simple requirements but we can’t handle the simple requirements for example God tells us to wake up in the morning and pray and we can’t yet we go on our job and walk around or sit down all day building unnecessary conversations but yet we can’t do the will of God and the work of God.

God says you are in a place of trial I want to see if you can handle what I want to do in your life and what I want to bring into your life. You are saying God give me this God give me that but you can’t study the Word fast or get in prayer but yet you want God to move. God is requiring his people to move in the direction that he is calling us to because he wants to make it happen. There are some of you that need God but God is saying I need you to get in the position that I can make it happen because I want to give you an expected end.

He wants to change your story and position, God wants to give you change and build your faith again because many of us have lost faith based on what we were going through in our life. Many of us no longer have the faith God requires of us because things have not happened yet that God has declared over our lives because all we can see is harm trouble and pain but God says his Word is life and if you hold firm to his Word he can bring it to life. God says he has not forsaken the promises he has made concerning you, he has not forsaken the word that he has spoken over your life. God says it’s time to meet him halfway he’s in position but many of us are not in position and the place that God needs us to be that he can fulfill the Word concerning our lives.

Many of us are not in the right posture nor the right place that the Word that God has declared over our life can come to light. God is in position waiting and ready to seek after people that would allow God to make it happen in their life. Who will say God I trust the word? Who will say God I trust you? Do you and I understand that it’s our life that God needs so we can touch the lives of others? The people that are around you need to prove this God you serve the people that are around you are requiring you to finish strong. The people that are around you need that testimony that is on your life. The people around you need to know that God can do the impossible. God needs you and me to become the story he needs us to become the Bible to become the Joseph, Esther, Hanna Job, etc.

God needs a people that is going to trust him and hold firm to his Word. He is saying come let me make you the Word let me change your life and your story let me make the promises come alive in your life. Let him work it out he wants to do it in your life he requires you to get in position where you can receive the promise and the Word that was spoken over your life.

This is now the hour when prophecy can now be fulfilled. It’s now the hour when God is bringing his Word to life and prophetic will now come to pass. God wants to bring your story to light because some people have doubted the story and prophecy God says come let me bring it to life. There are some people that have already spoken against you saying “ It will never happen” there are some people that have been laughing behind your back because it hasn’t happened but God says come let me bring your story to life.

God wants to change your direction and life he wants to make it happen and prove to the haters, naysayers, and doubters that his power is strong even though they went to the witchcraft doctor to come against the promise. You can no longer be delayed it’s a command that you get in position that God can now start performing the Word that was spoken over your life. The enemy has many minds believing that God cannot do it in their life but I am telling you that it shall happen. Some of you want to walk away from the faith and there is nothing to be ashamed of because many of us came to that point in our walk many times but God says if you can only trust me and pick up your faith one more time if you can hold onto my Word and take your eyes off of what you see and get back seeking me I will make it happen.

God is a God of his Word and he honors his Word above his name. We must stop saying Amen and our faith is weak and small, we must stop saying Amen if we don’t believe in his Word because he is looking for a people that will be the Word and trust the Word, God says it shall happen but our faith must align. What are you doing with the prophetic word that went over your life? It’s beyond hearing prophets speak over you, you must activate the Word and become the Word the Bible tells us that “ Faith without works is dead” you just can’t take the prophecy and receive it and not walk into the prophecy. You must understand that the prophecy you receive comes with a penalty, faith and hard work, we must position ourselves to receive what God wants to do in our lives.

The Word God has spoken over your life what are you doing with the Word? Are you just waiting on God or are you positioning yourself to meet God halfway? Are you just picking up the phone to call someone to tell them someone just prophesy to you? Are you just rejoicing every time you receive a prophetic or are you walking in faith and alignment to receive the promises of God? How many times do we need God to say he will do it in our life? How many times do we need God to convince us that he is whom he says he is? How many times do we need God to pump us up to believe his Word? How many times do we have to go before God crying for the same thing when God said that he has already done it?

Not because you have not seen the manifestation of the word of God fulfilled means that God has forgotten you. It took years for Sarah and Abraham to receive the seed that God promised, maybe it’s something that God needs you to do before he blesses you. God says his Word will not go void over your life the only person that can cost the Word to go void is you, so trust God and watch it happen

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