It’s All for His Glory

As I was lying down in meditation I heard the Lord say “It’s all for my glory”. You and I may not understand what God is doing, you might be at a place where everything is falling apart even though you are praying and holding fast to the word of God but it’s all for God’s glory. It looks like everything is going in the opposite direction than what you’ve been declaring over your life and so what happens is fear and doubt step in and it causes us to move before the timing of God. We tend to try to fix things and God is saying, “How can I get the glory out of your story? how will I get the glory out of your life, if I don’t put you in a place where only I can do it? How will I be glorified? How will I be exalted? How will I be magnified if you keep putting your hands in it?”

God is saying if you keep putting your hands on it you can sabotage the plan he has for your life. You can jeopardize the plan of God by doing it on your own, you can mess it up and cause you to lose everything. God said, “If I’m going to get the glory out of your life, you must leave everything to me because I can’t get the glory if you keep putting your hands on it.”

As I was speaking with my team the other day, I began to say to them, that Job had to understand who God was for him to tell his wife No. Everything in Job’s life was going wrong, Job was at a place where he had the right to curse God and walk away but he had to understand who God was and that is why he stood stern to his faith. Job had to have understood that this was a God that never failed, he had to understand that this God never lost a battle. Job had to know that God would not have taken it away from him if he didn’t have plans to replace it. He had to know there is power in prayer, so even when his wife and friends came and wanted him to defile this God and deny the power of God he stood firm, he called his wife a foolish woman because all Job was saying was you have to be foolish to want me to turn against God and curse him, if you understand who this God is I serve you would trust him and hold fast to his Word. 

God is saying some too many people are sabotaging the plans I have for their lives. When you go and put your hands on it you’re telling God you don’t need him anymore and you make the situation worse. God said to me when I tell you to move that’s when you move. Too many times we move out of the will of God, we say we are believers we say we are holding faith and trusting God but if we were trusting God we would not do certain things that God does not give us the okay to do. 

Even though God might put you in the pit even though you might be in the wilderness there is an end, Everything might be caving in around you but there is an end, your body might be under attack but there is an end, the bills might be overdue but there is an end whatever you may be going through, there is an end. Your story is to save someone from the place they are in, God is not allowing you to go through it in vain, everything that you’re going through is for the glory of God. 

Everything that is going on around you is because God is going to use your life to pull somebody out of that place of bondage. it’s your life that is someone else’s Bible, someone will repent through your story because they will prove the power of God through your life, but how will God get the glory if you’re tampering with it? God says it’s all for his glory even though things may be going the way you don’t want them to go it’s all for his glory. God says to tell someone today that the walk, fight, trials, tribulations, and testing are not in vain it’s all for his glory. Keep your eyes on God and don’t lose focus the fight is only a distraction. Some of you have a great story but God says you have to give him the chance and not tamper with his plans and his will for your life if you don’t understand something God says to leave it at the altar.

I’m reminded of Psalms 138:8
The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; the plan of God for your life is perfect. The reason why many are losing focus is because many are not praying the way we should pray, many of us have lost our strength in prayer. Many of us are now worried and focused on everything that is going wrong rather than focusing on prayer. We find more time to go and talk to someone and complain about everything that is going wrong rather than finding time to go before God who has all of the answers. God is saying to stop tampering with his plans concerning your life, when you say you trust him and hold firm to his word you will not put your hands on it. Stop giving access to a place only God should be, l told my team the other day that even in the will of God you go through. 

The will of God sometimes requires us through pain, it sometimes requires us to lose. Often we don’t feel like it’s the will of God when we start going through trials and tribulations but sometimes it is the will of God. It was the will of God for Hanna to go through her process and for people to think she was barren; it was the will of God for Hanna to be laughed at and scorned. It was the will of God for Sarah to have a child in her old age, it was the will of God for Ruth to lose her husband as well and it was the will of God for her not to leave Naomi’s side because God had a great plan for her life.

Sometimes we like to run away from the pain but we don’t know the greatest pain brings the greatest victory. Ruth would have never met Boaz if her husband hadn’t died, and she would have never walked into the perfect will of God if he didn’t allow her husband to die. I’m sure at first, she didn’t understand but, in the end, she knew that it was all for God’s glory.

It was the will of God for Esther to grow up without her parents because maybe she would have not become the woman she became maybe they would have not pushed her to become who she needed to be. Many times, we say we want the will of God but sometimes the will of God comes in ways we don’t like but it is perfect for us. The finance may not be flowing the way you want it to flow business may not be moving the way you want it to move but If it’s the will of God his will is perfect for your life.

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