It Will Happen

God is getting ready to favor you for the year 2023. God said that anything you may desire and require from him comes with a sacrifice. Because you made a sacrifice and left yourself undone , placing yourself on the back burner and deciding to do it Gods way, God says that he is about to set you up in this new year.

What God is getting ready to do in your life is far greater than what you’ve lost. What God is getting ready to do is far greater than you can imagine. There are some of you that are getting ready to experience a season that you have been waiting on all your life. This season that you’re about to experience is the season you’ve been waiting on for five, six , seven years.

God says He has positioned you to stay in position so you can not miss the move of God. If you move out of position you will miss the move of God and your season. You may be saying, “God, I’ve been waiting so long, I’ve been still for so long!” but God says to tell you nothing good comes easy and that is a message my mom Apostle Dr. Carolyn Cooper spoke on. You must be encouraged because what God is getting ready to do in your life, where he’s getting ready to take you, what he’s getting ready to position you in, God says it’s nothing compared to where you are now.

We must never look at what others do or say we must keep our eyes on the prize because what he’s getting ready to do is far more greater than the eyes can see. There is someone reading this today and you’re saying, “God, I have no way out, nor do I know which way to turn. My back is against the wall!” God says to tell you that no matter how long it takes it will happen! You’ve been saying, “God I’ve been waiting and receiving your prophetic, I’ve been hearing you speak but God there have been no move, there has been no manifestation.
” but God said unto me to tell a people, to tell his people, no matter how long it takes, no matter how long it took, it will happen!

You will begin to see the move of God like you have never seen it before because God is about to bless you. Can I tell you today you might have lost a lot but what you’re about to regain, what you’re about to receive, is far greater than the loss.

You’re saying, ” God the light is about to cut off.”, You’re saying “God I don’t know where the ends is coming from. I don’t know how I’m I going to survive this.” but I hear God say to tell you “It will happen!”

I say to you today be still trust him and wait on him because the promise is before you. You are in the season where you’re about to see the move of God and where He’s about to manifest every word that has been spoken over your life.

Can I tell you that God says no Word will go forth void but every prophetic Word that was spoken over your life God says- you will see it. You are about to walk in a year where you’re about to experience God like never before, get testimony ready. God is about to visit your home, work place, ministry and your life. I heard God say that the curse will not crossover into the new year because you’re about to cross over into the Promise Season. I prophesied this over you , you’re about to crossover into the Promise Season. You are saying God is the promise sure? God say to tell you just as sure as my word is as sure as my promise. 2023 is the year of Release and God said I’m about to Release my Word over your life. Can I tell you get in position and ready to receive for God is getting ready to set you up! God is getting ready to blow you up and promote you! Promotion is upon you. You’re saying “God, everything has already failed me.” God said it had to fail you so that you can prove me.

It had to fail you so that you can know that I am the only true and living God.

God said He has moved everything from around you so you can know that when he has done it, It was him and him alone and no man will get the glory out of your life. All the glory will go to him. God said you’ve been questioning him you’ve been asking him but God says to leave the questions alone. Trust and believe in me. I’m reminded of the scripture Hebrews 11:16 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him”. I encourage you to hold fast to the word of God and his promise because in this new year you will begin to see the move of God be manifested over your life. You’re saying “God every year I’m hearing the prophet say it and I’m seeing nothing. Every year there was failure every year there was disappointment. I’m telling you God says 2023 is a peculiar year and a set aside year.

2023 is a chosen year and the year for Gods people, his chosen vessels. I encourage you to rise out of your place of slumber, discouragement and defeat and not allow the enemy to cost you and I to miss out on what God is getting ready to do and where he’s getting ready to take us, for God is getting ready to give you an expected end.

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