God is Rebuilding Renewing & Restoring

Rebuild- To remake something after it has been damaged or destroyed.  

In order to be rebuilt, you have to put yourself in a position and it takes time. God wants to reconstruct someone today. God wants to use your mistake and make it into a testimony. 

Yes, God can rebuild you but first must forgive yourself. God can and wants to use you.God now needs to put you in the position to heal you. We have to go into emotional and spiritual surgery in order to be healed. Give God the opportunity. 

A result of what we have been through have left many badly damaged. In order for you not to sabotage where you are, you must be repaired and rebuilt. The only place that this process can occur is in the presence of God.  

We must learn that the  plan of the enemy is to keep us continually in bondage, in jail, and unhappy. 

Restoration –  The process of being reset. To return to a form, conduct, place or position. God wants to bring us to a place where we TRUST HIS WORD! There is a goal for your life and that divine goal is a place of completion. 

In our brokenness, many struggle with an identity crisis where we do not believe in our gifts anymore. Many are lost but it’s time to GET BACK to a position where God can locate us in order to rebuild us. 

Let God Rebuild You, Let God Restore You. 

Refreshing- A state of renewal and Revival. The enemy has no access to deplete us unless we give access to him. Psalm 51: 12 Restore unto me the joy. 

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