Don’t Stop Building

Don’t quit now, don’t walk away now.I know that you are tired because of what’s going on around you, I know that you are ready to throw it all away because it seems hopeless, but I beg of you, don’t stop now.You are so close and if you press a little bit more and if you push a little more you will be amazed by what can happen next. The enemy wants us to stop building because he knows what’s ahead of us. He wants us to forfeit and give up as he did but I encourage you, don’t stop building.

Don’t stop building means don’t stop going, don’t stop pressing, don’t stop pushing. Don’t walk away from your grand moment, don’t walk away from that moment you’ve been waiting on for half of your life. Don’t step away from this one chance that will never come back. I know you are frustrated and tired but don’t stop praying, I know you are discouraged but don’t stop praying. I know it seems hopeless don’t stop praying God will come through I promise you because we serve a God that cannot lie. God will turn it! He will change things for you, he will do whatever it takes to make sure his word is fulfilled over your life. God doesn’t break promises he fulfills his word. He doesn’t tell us things we want to hear but he is a God of his Word. The enemy is trying to cost you forfeit the promise he wants you to get angry and disbelieve God, he wants you to get bitter with God because as long as he has got you he has your mind.

I’m telling you with confidence today that God’s Word will be fulfilled concerning your life, God needs you to know that you are not forsaken. It took a journey and it was a process but you had to go through it to get to your promise. God needed your story. Don’t stop building whatever it is God has given you to do, do not stop, do it. God has you building for a reason. You don’t want anything premature in this season you want everything fully completed. Even a mother doesn’t want a premature child so you don’t want anything premature. There is an end and a finish and an end to every one of our stories. 

Don’t give up on your heart’s desire, stop allowing the enemy to make you feel like it can’t happen because it could, remember this God needs your story but you have to be determined to see the end. A writer doesn’t publish a book without an ending. Some of you are at the end of your book and this is why God is saying don’t stop. God is saying you are at your last push! Yes, it is painful but after this push, you will see the end. The enemy wants you not to see your story change, you are at your end don’t stop building. I don’t know what you are dreaming of do not stop, do not give up on your dream, do not give up on dreams or your heart’s desire. God wants to complete you. God is about to fill in the blanks in your life, he will restore you, you have been feeling empty and God is about to fill you up. 

You have to finish strong and that is why the enemy is after you because he doesn’t want you to finish. I need you to repeat these words “I must finish!”. More is on the other side so the enemy is trying to paralyze you so you can’t see the end but you will see the end. He knows what God has in store for you and he’s jealous because he doesn’t want you to reach the other side but you must finish you have too much to let go. Your story will affect many and that’s what the enemy doesn’t want you to finish, he wants you to stay in bondage. God will not disappoint you! Take a few minutes to think about everything God has promised you. Do you think it’s worth walking away from? Do you think it’s worth losing? 

The enemy wants you to stop building and that is why he is coming against you and making you feel like what you are going through is all for nothing. You are so close to your victory even though it seems like it’s far you are close. Your attack got worst the backlash got worst but you are close. So many of you didn’t realize that your season has changed because your mind did not Change and the enemy has you seeing things the old way. The reason you feel like it’s no change is because every day has been the seem like it use to be. My truth to you today is that you are close, so close that it will amaze you that in that very moment God is about to use to transform your life. One of the signs that God is about to bless you is separation, but that is something we don’t like or what we don’t want. 

Separation is necessary because that is the very thing that proves to us that God is getting ready to bless and increase. You may not understand why some people suddenly distance themselves from around others but that is the sign that something is about to happen. That also signifies that some people are not qualified for the next level God is taking you to and some people don’t deserve to go to that next level with you. Do not give up at this point in your life, know when the enemy is trying to rob or rape you from something. You must know when it’s God and when it’s the enemy. You are so close to your life-changing ,you are so close to your moment. Sit down and write your vision for your business whether you have the money or not this is the moment for you to start building and preparing, go on the websites and begin to search for what you need.

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