Don’t Be Afraid of The Attack and The Attacker

I had a dream concerning me and my team and the lord showed me how the enemy sent a massive attack against us, but the good thing about it was we were aware and alert and ready to fight. The Lord began to say to me: “Daughter, the reason the enemy has been launching an attack at you is that the enemy doesn’t want you to receive what I’m about to release to you.” the lord continued to say to me: “Daughter, the enemy wants you to forfeit what I am about to bring to you and what I have already done in your life.” he continued to tell me: “Daughter, I have given you the power to be able to see the attacks before they come because so many can’t see and also don’t even know that they are under attack” and God said to me that he had anointed me as a prophet to see so that I will be able to aware others because so many are under attack and don’t even know why or the reason the enemy is coming up against them. The Lord showed me multiple times the enemy coming up against me and my team and I questioned God and asked him what was going on and he said to me don’t be afraid of the attacker don’t be afraid of the fight because I’m allowing you to see so that you can know how to fight in prayer because greater is he that is in you that he that is in the world. A lot of us become afraid of the attack and the attacker but we don’t realize that we have a greater weapon and a greater solution. We become confounded and concealed about what we are seeing and this causes us to become afraid of warfare not understanding that the battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s. Why are we becoming so afraid of the attacker? that is because we feel as if we are fighting the battle alone but we are not fighting this battle alone. I came here to tell you not to fear the attack and the attacker because God has given us the power to fight and stand against the enemy. The Lord said to me: “Daughter,do you know why the enemy is trying to paralyze my people and put them in the place of fear? Because as long as the enemy has them in fear it will hinder my plan and my will for their life.” God is saying instead of being afraid become aware and alert and begin to stand against the enemy because we wrestle not against flesh and blood but we wrestle principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. The reason why there is an attack is because the enemy wants to attack the power that is in you. He wants to destroy the power that’s in you, he doesn’t want your anointing to reach its full potential and he doesn’t want you get to where God has you to reach. Hear me when I tell you the attacker does not want to see you healed, delivered, and set free, that is why he is doing everything to manipulate your mind, and make you feel powerless, and put fear in you because the attacker wants you to stay focused on the problem and not the solution which is God. The attacker’s job is to keep you focused on the pain and what the doctors told you, he wants you to stay focused on the trouble you are facing in your marriage, on your bank account that doesn’t have enough or anything at all, he wants you to stay focus on everything that’s bringing you pain and he is keeping you and I distracted so we won’t fast like we should pray as we should and read as we should. God says to aware us, take our eyes off the warfare, and put our eyes on him because if we don’t focus the enemy will destroy us. God said to me even tho you are seeing all of this warfare against you and your team I need you to decree and declare this over your life because this is where you are at. God began to say allow your team to say it and he said to me ” You Are In Your Moment!” so I am here to tell you today that “You Are In Your Moment!” no matter what the attacker is sending at you no matter how he is fighting You Are In Your Moment! I know you are questioning how can you be in your moment because everything seems to be falling apart and getting worse instead of getting better, but I’m telling you through the inspiration of God things will change. It’s just a matter of time before there be a turning and a drastic move. Take your eyes off the attacker and the attack and put your eyes on God because You Are In Your Moment! Do not let the situation define your moment do not allow what is going on in your life to define your moment, it’s just a matter of time before God unfolds the mystery and his word concerning your life. I understand that you are not clear on what is going on and you may seem a bit confused but can I tell you that you Are in your moment, God is getting ready to move concerning your life but in order for God to move concerning us we must take our eyes off of the attack and the attacker because it requires focus to win.

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