Don’t Accept, Allow or Settle.

The reason why God has brought you to a place where he has removed everything away from you is because God is getting ready to position you and set you up. The Lord gave me these words and said ” Daughter of Zion, I have placed you in a position not to have to accept, allow and settle for what you do not deserve. I have blessed you so that you understand who you are in my life and in my kingdom. I have blessed you so that you can realize who you are in me and who I’ve chosen you to be.” God is saying the reason why I am getting ready to bless you is because I’m going to put you in a position that you would not have to accept, allow and settle. God said to me “I’ve positioned you my daughter to walk in greatness, he said I’ve anointed you as Queen Esther and favor you as Joseph.”

As God has given me this word I also speak to someone to understand, the reason why God is removing things out of your life and God is blessing. The reason why is so that you won’t have to accept, allow and settle for anything less than who you are. God is saying that we now need to see ourselves as Christ sees us, we need to understand who we are in him. God said to me I’ve called you to influence everyone that will cross your path, he said I’ve called you to carry my glory my daughter and give hope to the hopeless. The reason why you’ve been going through so much pain is because God was defining you. You are in your redefining moment and he’s redefining you for his glory. He reminded me of his word 1John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Many of you carry greatness and many are about to walk into a season of greatness. Many are about to experience what the power of God can do in ones life. He’s redefining you for your glory moment. I am reminded of a song that was written by Kingdom Connections To The World “The Main Event “. God says I’m redefining you to make you the main event, but in order for the glory to be revealed in your life or for you and I to be the main event, God had to take us through a purging and a process that would breed character, wisdom, knowledge and understanding in us so that when others see us they don’t see flesh but they see glory.

God said I’ve deemed you to be named Miracle. He has positioned us to win. The fight that you have been going through and disappointment , it was for your redefining moment. The reason why God is allowing you to go through so many things in your life is because He is redefining you.

God says when He is done with you and place you out there the light of his glory shall be revealed through you and others will desire to serve him because of what He has done in your life. The pain is not to destroy you but to redefine you. The disappointment is not to destroy you but to redefine you. Every disappointment that you have experienced from the day you surrendered your life to God, every thing that was spoken from the mouth of God through his prophet that spoke in the Will of God, every Word shall come to pass. God is positioning you to win, do not lose hope, finish strong. I know that 2022 was not an easy year, I can attest to it because it was a trying year, but can I tell you that everything you have been going through will be worth the pain when you see what God is getting ready to release over your life. Some may say Dr. the pain is great , can I tell you the prize and the victory will be greater than the pain. I’m reminded of a theme for one of my upcoming gatherings, “Your Purpose Is Greater Than Your Pain” , because your purpose is great your pain will be greater. God is using the pain to birth forth greatness out of you and push you to your victory. You will not fail, you will not. I know it seems like there is failure but you will not fail. There are many times we may lose our strength but the Word of God says in
2 Corinthians 12:9 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. God is getting ready to take you into that place, he’s getting ready to allow you to past the baton on to someone else so give him thanks that you survived because you don’t know if the person who’s about to walk into what you been through will survive it. Honor God because you are a survivor, honor God because what you thought would have killed you or destroyed you, it helped build you. What you have been through helped push you to where God needed you to be. Honor God because the fight was not to destroy you but to make you. I’m reminded me of something Steve Harvey said, he’s someone i really love, respect and honor because of his story it’s so touching , when I listen to his story it encourages me to keep going. I’m reminded when he said on one of his videos, “ You don’t need education to make you wealthy , all you need is guts and strength and faith”. He continued sharing his story saying it was three years before his life changed for the good. He was homeless and living in his car for three years before the one day showed up that changed his life. That situation that you’re going through can end you up in a place that God wants to take you. The one day that his life changed , he never went back to knowing what lack or need was. So you’re saying “God, I’ve been in this position long.” , but that one position God can use it to take you to that place of Victory. Your down moment is not your failure. You being down doesn’t mean you’re being defeated. Before Joseph went to the palace he had to experience the pit. Joseph had to experience jail which was his pit before he could’ve experience the palace. He was accused of rape , before he entered the palace his family rejected him and threw him away. Pain is what pushed you into your purpose , before Hanna womb was blessed with Samuel she went through years of being mocked because she was called barren. She didn’t know that God had shut up her womb because he wanted to get the glory out of her life. Hanna went through hurt and shame for years before she was able to hold her first child , but one day came and her life changed.

Job had to go through a process where he lost absolutely everything before his one day came. All he had left was his wife and his soul, his body even began to fail him. His wife got to the point where she failed him because she did not understand his process and she didn’t understand that the pain was for the glory, purpose and destiny. She asked him to curse God , she failed him because out of everyone that should have been there for him was his wife, but because job didn’t give up everything that he lost, it was restored back to him greater than what he lost. So your situation that you may be going through might be painful, but your pain is to take you into that place where you would begin to recognize and understand who this God is. The pain is to take you to that place of greatness that your life can be the light to someone else. The woman with the issue of blood, everything in her body was failing her, every direction she turned was failure and at one point, I knew she thought that God had failed her but one day she heard about this man called Jesus the great physician and she made up in her mind that not matter what that I will see of this man that I’ve heard about. As many years as she went through in her body because of her faith one day showed up and she was made whole.

God wants to make your situation whole again , He wants to make you whole again , He wants to give you a reason to have faith,trust and believe again. Just as God has done for everyone in the Bible, he wants to do it for you and I but it’s up to us.

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